Apocalyptic Revelations


The apocalypse or the end of the world has been something that’s come up in conversation quite a bit in the past few decades and definitely something I have been pondering leading up to the 21st of December. While randomly browsing through the internet (using the modern day oracle of Delphi, aka Google) a few weeks ago, looking for any information on this devestating occurance, I discovered that this all important date was in fact the ending of the Mayan calendar, which some “experts” have even gone as far as to “prove” similarities between the predictions made in Hinduism about the Kali-Yuga. (for those who are staring at their screens looking somewhat baffled as to what on earth that word is, please see notes at the end of this post for a very short description).

For centuries, people have tried to solve the burning question of when the world will come to an end. I understand that a few days ago, while most people simply ignored these predictions and went about their business, others thought this to be the literal end of the world or perhaps the less scary possibility of a shift in consciousness; which in much simpler terms refer to a change in people’s perception.

So in light of all these revelations and ideas, I couldn’t help but ask myself, why we are we so obsessed with the end of the world?

According to  Shmuel Lissek, a neuroscientist from the University of Minnesota, most people live under the belief that knowing the occurance of an event would minimise the shock factor and allow people to think and act rationally. Lissek, in collaboration with National Institute of Mental Health neuroscientist Christian Grillon, has also discovered that that when an unpleasant or painful experience, such as an electric shock, is predictable, we relax and the anxiety produced by uncertainty is diminished. Of course knowing when the world comes to an end isn’t quite a comforting thought to all, but for many of us it’s a reason to stop worrying and perhaps make amends to the ones we have wronged, tell our loved ones how we feel, make a bunker, gather canned food and engage in charitable behaviour. After all, maybe (just maybe) life would be better after a disaster which demolishes all technology and infrastructure where (according to the book of Revelations and the story of Noah in the bible) only the good will survive and we could start all over again afresh.

All this made perfect sense to me, the evil perishing, a disaster bringing all survivors together to build a brand new world, living in a bunker eating canned food, catching up on much needed sleep etc. But the next question that gnawed at me was a lot harder to explain than the above. Why should it take an impending disaster to make us realise that there are somethings in this world that are simply not right? Why can’t we make changes to it now, whether or not we know when it all goes pear shaped? If death is imminent, why are we more worried about the world coming to an end as a whole, and less stressed about the calamities people are facing around the world this very minute?

Perhaps the answer lies within ourselves and this indeed is the shift in consciousness that was predicted. Personally the above mentioned questions caused me to take a very long, hard look at myself and how I have been leading my life. I started off by writing a list of all the things I  wished to eliminate from my life and little by little I can feel myself opening up to the world and seeing myself as a part of it instead of an island trying to survive on its own. The next will be a list of all the things I wish to do in order to make a difference. Perhaps being more honest with myself and living a life of compassion and moral consciousness is all it takes to make a difference. In the words of the ever so wise Mahatma Ghandi, I believe I have made the firm decision to be the change I wish to see in the world. I know there will be times I fail, but maybe (just maybe) my mother was right, and the most important thing is to try in the first place.

P.S- According to Hinduism Kali Yuga (the current time of the world) is believed to be the last of the four stages of the world. Kali being the God of destruction, and Yuga, being the word for “time”; this time is believed to be the era of destruction and degeneration.




















































Finding Faith

faithI grew up in the capital city of the smallest province in a country far far away.  I was schooled in a convent where the catholic faith was drilled into me at a very early age. Along with religion, comes its scriptures and by the age of 16 I was more than a little bit acquainted with the Bible. However, as I grew up I learned that religion had its own prejudices and flaws. So I decided to go my own way and call myself a spiritualist – believing in God/Universe and doing good, but without any traditions, practices and certainly letting go of all God “inspired” scriptures that people often use to persecute others. However since I got back from overseas the second time around, I found myself being drawn to the very book I had shunned in contempt many years back. The Bible. Yes the thought of it at first made me very uncomfortable, but since I’ve learned to remove the “religion” factor from it, I have found it to be a remarkable guide that always speaks of believing and faith in the higher powers. In fact everytime I have randomly flicked through it, I would get a parable or story about having faith and how “what you ask for will come to pass if you truly believe”.

I have struggled to believe in faith for years. Faith speaks of trust and perhaps one of the very first lessons people learn and hold on to as adults is to “trust no one”. Thus we often hear sayings such as “trust in God but tie up your camels” or “I don’t trust (insert name of person) as far as I can throw them”. So given that society expects mistrust, how does one unlearn what they’ve learned and practiced for years? Also, faith involves letting go of reason and given we live in a cause and effect world, where we demand reasons for all actions and outcomes, how can one trust in a positive result which doesn’t have a proper explanation to support it?

I have given this concept a lot of thought and somewhat struggled with it more since I got back from my last overseas trip, a month and a bit ago. It’s been tough to understand where I stood regarding faith as I didn’t know what to believe. It became all too big of a problem a few days ago when I sat down and realised that everything I am hoping will come to pass, everything I am trying to make happen and everything I dream of, I don’t quite believe or have faith was possible. Yes I know that no dream is too big to fulfill and in no way am I wanting anything “impossible” or “strange”. Everything I want is within my power and means to fulfill, but the seed of doubt has crept so deep into me that I have been finding it quite hard to yank it out of my system.

So I am currently on a mission to conquer self-doubt and mistrust, because I have come to realise that the opinion that counts the most in life is the one I have of myself, and if I don’t have faith and believe from the very core of me that I am worthy of abundance and love, how will it ever manifest in my life? Plus, one of the very reasons for our existence is faith.. Faith that we will be better tomorrow than we are today. Faith that whatever we want we can achieve, (something I’m struggling to come to terms with at the moment) and most importantly, faith that everything will work out in the end.

So hopefully my next post is of how I’ve managed to rekindle the flame of faith within my heart again. Even as I write this I’m filled with optimism. I will get there, perhaps all I need is a little bit of practice..


I have always believed that everything we’re surrounded by is interconnected. Thus believing in signs, symbols and the ultimate cliche that everything in life happens for a reason. In fact I remember walking into a new age store a few years ago and asking a question from the lady behind the counter who ironically (given it IS a new age store and I would have thought THAT would be the ONE place in this modern age where people were encouraged to believe in such things) told me that “not everything needs to have a meaning or a reason. Somethings are just the way they are”. I remember smiling and nodding at her while a tiny part of me deep down inside screamed out she must be stark raving mad. (see post scriptIs everything a matter of coincidence, like rolling dices?). But as the years passed I did start to question my beliefs and even told myself quite often that not everything needed a connection to the bigger picture and I should not worry too much thinking about the little things. Perhaps this was my way of growing up and giving into the scientific theory of cause and effect, while doubting anything that cannot be explained by conveniently putting it in the “oh that was a coincidence” pile.

However a few months ago, when I was going through the process of seeing my life unravel itself, I came across an article that spoke of Synchronicity.The concept of synchronicity was first introduced by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and he describes it as  “temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events.”  In every day terms, this is the experience of two or more events that may seem casually related or unlikely to occur together by chance, but turn out to be occurring together in a meaningful manner. (One thing leading the way for another).

Of course I vaguely knew what it meant prior to my new revelation. But never quite believed in the depth of it until I was forced to slow down (or perhaps come to a complete stop) and re-evaluate my life path.. In short, at the beginning of the year I rekindled my friendship with my cousin, who then asked me to be her bridesmaid later on in the year. At her wedding I met an amazing man who made me realise I didn’t quite like where my life was heading and how I needed a complete change. I came back to my regular life and felt it didn’t fit at all, only to find out that my work contract was not being extended and I was given paid leave and benefits for an additional month, which then gave me the opportunity to see this man again and reassure myself that I had done the right thing by moving away from where I was and what I was doing previously.

I have come back home from my travels now and I am yet to figure out what I want. I know this isn’t the “and so they lived happily ever after” kind of story. Not yet anyway, because right now I am still figuring out where to from here. I know, I am given this time to rest, recharge and focus on what truly makes my heart sing. I am slowly learning to watch out for the signs which point me in the right direction and make maximum use of the opportunities presented to me. Some days it’s easier than others. But I think the most important thing is to truly believe in the mystery of synchronicity and trust that the direction in which the universe/God is pointing me is towards my highest good. (i.e. my happy ending)

p.s – I later found out that the lady from the new age store who had the little chat with me was prone to mental breakdowns. Love and light to her!!

Bottoms Up

It’s a gorgeous Sunday afternoon and I’m currently having a smoke on my  balcony typing away hoping to make sense of everything going on around me. The tarot reader I visited a few months back told me that I’m going through “major change”.. And I do remember thinking to myself “yah thiiink”?!

So where I am right now is that I’m jobless with a mountain of bills piled up, I don’t really want to work in the heartless and somewhat incestous industry I dedicated my entire life wanting to be in, the jobs I’ve busied myself applying for are ones I don’t particularly see myself doing in the long run AND I’m not particularly qualified to do what I want to do either.. Yup, so back to the drawing board kids.. I’m right where I was when I was 12, the only difference being that I’m more than twice that age, do not quite have the ready enthusiasm I did and I’m a whole lot more “experienced”. (Perhaps not all that much wiser though)

Anyway, the entire reason I’ve opened this is so  I can think aloud.. I know this post probably makes me sound like Aunty Acid. I have been in this state for the past few weeks and it’s most certainly time to snap right out of it and figure out where to from here. I know this is rock bottom and as I’ve been told, the only way to go from here is UP! So this is my journey there..